The Gospel Radio Network


Serving all of West GA

"Your Distinctive Radio Choice"


Your contributions mean a great deal to WEYY Radio 88.7 FM. WEYY is a non-commerical, non-profit station and will not sale radio time. WEYY is a listener supported, church supported ministry. WEYY is a missionary that never sleeps.


     The radio ministry is a great way to get the Word of God to people and share the Gospel 24/7. There is not a week that goes by that we do not hear from someone in the United States or many foreign countries. I don’t know if I have ever seen a ministry that is more fruitful than the radio.
     The best Christians in the world only spend, at the most, about 7 hours a week in church. But, they can listen to the radio anytime. Someone somewhere is listening to GRN right NOW!
     God is using the internet. Anyone that has access to the internet can use their smart phone or computer and listen to GRN anytime. Simply go into the internet and access Click on and then click the icon that matches your devise and you will be listening in minutes.
     GRN Radio is a non-profit, non-commercial, listener supported radio ministry and we depend on the monthly or one time gifts of our listeners to keep GRN on the air. Why don’t YOU pray about giving a monthly donation or a one time gift and invest in the Word of God being broadcast all over the world?
     Could YOU give $10, $20, $50, $100 or more a month to send GRN Radio around the world 24/7? Call us today and let us know what YOU will do to help….. 770-214-1235 or 770-377-4294 (text); or e-mail
Donating to WEYY Christian radio (The Gospel Radio Network) is quick and easy!

Send your donation to: Barnes Evangelistic Ministries (WEYY Radio)
                                 P.O. Box 595
                                 Carrollton, Ga. 30112
 Or log on to: use our “Pay-Pal” link

                                                               Thank you for your prayers and support!
                                                            SUPPORT THE GOSPEL RADIO NETWORK
                                                                 “Your missionary that never sleeps” 

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